1. Preparation
In a large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of all-purpose flour and 1 teaspoon of dashi powder.
Add 3/4 cup of water to the flour mixture and whisk until smooth.
Crack in 1 large egg and mix until fully incorporated.
Shred 2 cups of cabbage and chop 1 green onion finely. Stir these into the batter.
If desired, add 1/2 cup of cooked and chopped bacon or shrimp to the mixture.
Prepare a non-stick skillet or griddle by preheating it on medium heat and lightly oiling the surface.
2. Cooking
Pour half of the batter onto the skillet, shaping it into a round pancake about 1/2 inch thick.
Cook for 4-5 minutes until the underside is golden brown. Do not rush; allow it to get crispy.
Flip the pancake carefully using a spatula and cook for another 4-5 minutes on the other side.
Repeat with the remaining batter to make a second pancake.
Once both pancakes are cooked, place them on a serving plate.
Drizzle with okonomiyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and sprinkle with bonito flakes and aonori (seaweed flakes) for garnish.